Monday, June 4, 2007

12 Year Olds Fighting

Yesterday it was kind of crappy out and I'm watching a movie when all of a sudden I hear this ruckus outside, it sounded like two women fighting, not physically but definitely verbally.

At first I didn't get up to look because it wasn't that bad, and I figured some teenagers were fighting but then it got worse. I'm hearing things like, "you are so fucking stupid, you are worthless" and so on.

A lot of swearing and just horrible things being said, as I said before I live on the water and I look out my window and right on the ocean wall (where you can walk) I see these two girls (not women girls) who couldn't have been more then 11 or 12 years old fighting and one of them was just horrifying to me. The words that were coming out of her mouth to this other little girl where far worse then I've ever heard and I used to work in a warehouse with all men.

This little girl was telling her friend or ex friend how pathetic and worthless she was and grabbing what looked like a basket out of her hand while the other girl stood on the ocean wall (there is a guard rail) and the girl yelling at her actually said, "go ahead and jump I hope you fall in". There is about a 20 foot drop right onto rocks, I was shocked and so dismayed by this and then at one point this little girl actually smacked her friend (sort of backed slapped her) I'm watching this and then they run off up the street before I could really comprehend what I was seeing (it all happened so fast) and before I could throw on a pair of sweats and go outside to see if I could stop this. It really bothered me on many levels.

I really wish I could have done something, I feel sorry for both of them, for the little girl being berated and hit and for the little girl saying all these things, what could possibly make someone so young so angry. I just don't understand what is happening to our kids these days, where is their innocence? I have to say it not only bothered me but it scared me a bit (not for my safety) but for the children of our world today. There is so much violence out there right now and there is so much that is just not right, how do you parents out there keep your children safe. I don't have any kids but everyday I worry about my friends kids and my siblings, I worry that my sister who is in college now is going to be a target of some crazy lunatic or that my brothers will be with some kids and something will happen something to change their whole lives.

I just don't know...


Cairde said...

I find myself worrying about the sate of our young people everytime I go to the mall or see them on the street. It truly is scary, I don't remember kids being so angry and disruptive when I was young. When I start considering whether I would want a child of my own, I squelch the idea with thoughts that I couldn't subject a child to this world as it is's very sad. I don't know either...

Unknown said...

It is such a different world from what we were raised in. Our neighbors are going through some NIGHTMARES with their formerly straight-laced kid, who, from the moment she hit Junior High has become a completely different person. Crazy pressures and very unnerving for me to raise my little ones with a firm foundation so they don't get caught up in it all.

OhTheJoys said...

I never hesitate to butt in. Usually people are totally shocked, but I'm the one that's going to get smacked sooner or later.