Monday, March 12, 2007

Down with Insurance Companies

So I just found out that my health insurance is not going to pay for some tests that I had done last month. These tests totalled about $3200.00! Yes folks I get to pay $3200.00 for them to tell me that I am doing better then I was doing 8 years ago, and my health insurance company is telling me that because of "pre-existing" conditions they are not sure if I'm considered "coverable" I have to show proof of coverage, (which I have but there was a lapse in coverage due to me moving) so even though I'm considered cured, and stronger now I am still considered HIGH RISK. What a fucking joke. These health insurance companies will find any reason to screw you and not pay a claim. I am infuriated right now (so if I ramble I apoligize).

I will be fighting this all the way, I can guarantee you on that. Oh in my state supposedly they can't ask you about pre-existing conditions but if you have a PPO they can, which is what I have, because you hear about the horror stories with HMOs. What a crock. I've only recently (last couple of years) had PPO because in FL it is better to have them. But now I'm switching back to HMO, I'm just so mad that our Insurance rep that came to our office last month did not give me/us the correct information. So when I called her today she basically said, "sorry not much I can do, you'll have to call the insurance company." I will be appealling this as much as I can because truthfully I just can't afford $3200.00 right now, then who really can? We live in a society where it is impossible for the working class to get ahead. A friend recently read an article that said people born between I think it was 1970s & 1980s are the most indebt age group right now. Basically my generation is in the most debt, and it is getting harder and harder to get out. I finally am starting to get myself out of debt and WHAMMO!!! I'm sucked right back in.

Well there is two things I can do, 1) I can feel defeated and just give up or 2) Fight like hell and even if I don't win, don't let it get me down. DAMN it I want a third option like in Fight Club where they blow up all the insurance/bank companies so all the documents are destroyed, hmmm? (okay just kidding here, don't want anyone reporting me to Homeland Security). I will fight it every which way that I can and hope that I win, because damn if I'm paying for them to tell me I'm doing better and then the insurance company say to me, "well we have to make sure you are insurable." WTF! Anyway, I'm ranting and raving, and I really need to get back to work.
Will keep you posted as to what happens. Oh and to top it all off I too have to get a root canal. But at least they usually give you good meds right???? Happy Monday, and I had such a good weekend.


Misa Gracie said...

That's it! I'm calling Homeland Right Now!

OhTheJoys said...

I will bring them to their knees with my awesome numchuck skillz.