Monday, April 2, 2007

Someone wants to talk to the person who is going to win his pants

Being that yesterday was April Fool's Day and a few people wrote about their experiences with this said Prank Day I thought I'd share the worst prank played on me by my very best friend Melissa when we were 14 years old. It wasn't on April 1st but still a good prank nevertheless. We laugh about it now.

So I guess I have to admit something to go on with this story, I was a HUGE New Kids on the Block fan and I loved Donnie Wahlberg. Melissa loved Jonathan Knight. I had all of their posters plastered on my walls and on my ceilings. We were fans and crazy teenagers when it came to them.

One of the teen mags I think BOP was having this contest where you could win Donnie's pants that he signed and designed or something. Though I never actually entered the contest I got a phone call from someone from BOP magazine saying that I was the lucky winner. I mentioned to this person, but I didn't enter this contest and she quickly stated, yes but a friend did for you, knowing how much you loved Donnie. I being young and naive didn't think this was odd

So as any 14 year old girl would be, I was absolutely ecstatic, and freaking out. Then this woman goes on to say to me that there is a person here that would like to talk to the winner of the person who has won his pants. Well you can only imagine now that I am more then freaking out. I remember going into my mother's room hyperventilating, because I was going to be talking to none other then the love of my life who was going to talk to me and instantly fall in love with me DONNIE WAHLBERG!!! I remember pacing my room going Oh my god, oh my god. Thinking what do I say, how am I going to be all cool and sound older then I really am. My mother was telling me to calm down, the woman on the phone was asking me if I was ready. I tell this woman, ah okay. She says, "hold on a moment" I don't think I breathed for the next minute. She hands the phone to someone and I hear HI (not Donnie's voice, not even a man's voice) oh no I hear my best friends voice, or should I say EX Best friend. It's this high pitched, like GOTTCHA!!! HI. I literally screamed and threw my cordless phone across the room.

My mother runs in and says "what what happened?" Red in the face, I reply, "It-it was Melissa". Needless to say I didn't think it was that funny. It took me awhile to get over it, and I don't think I talked to her for a few days. But I got over it and then I find out that the woman pretending to be the person from BOP magazine was actually her mother, THANKS KATHY!!! What a cruel joke to play on a young girl in love with Donnie Wahlberg. But now 18 years later, I sit here remembering like it was yesterday laughing at myself as I write this because of the things we took so serious when we were younger and damn Melissa for getting me good. You know I don't ever think I repaid her for that prank. Maybe someday.


Girlie Monkey said...

That's terrible! I don't deal with pranks very well even though I do have a sense of humor...

Hmmm, some day... sounds evil

Misa Gracie said...

To be perfectly honest, my Mom didn't want to do it. I had Greg lined up to play the part of the contest organizer but he couldn't stop laughing long enough.

Her one condition was that she wouldn't lie - I wrote it all out to say things like "Do you remember this contest?" and "Well, I am calling because these pants are very special to Donnie and he wants to know who gets them." and "There is someone here that wants to speak to you about these pants." my Mom never lied. The script I wrote was intended to lead you to assume you had won. I take all the blame...

I do remember that we went to PV Mall the next day and both you and Christi gave me the cold shoulder for a bit. I think your Mom said something to be about it not being nice.

AND - that same summer, when I won two tickets to the NKOTB concert.. who did I take??

Melina said...

I remember her never saying that Donnie was on the phone, but come on, it was very MISLEADING!!! So no she didn't LIE per say. :-)

She did a great job and I have to say that you can really pull a good gag. It's funny now and I appreciate that you did take me to the concert. I wish that I could pull a gag like that but I'm just not that good.

Then again, maybe I should call your mom, maybe she can help. I do have some incriminating photos though... I could say something about a tree but I'll just leave it at that.

Love ya and applause, clap clap well done.

kim said...

In hindsight, it's pretty funny. Back in the day when Donnie, Jordan, Jonathan, and those two others (I forget their names now) were still huge, though, I can pretty imagine why you were pissed off. My best friend did something similar to me when I was in the 6th grade. I ended up hating her, and for the life of me, I can't remember her name anymore, even up to this day!!! I know, I know... it's pretty shallow. But you gotta understand. Jordan was, like, everything to me then. Mwahahaha! Ahhhhh, teenage angst and stupidity. I have to say - I don't miss it at all!. Great entry, Melina. - Kim