Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring Nor'easter

What a couple of crazy days/nights we've had here with this spring nor'easter (isn't that an oxymoron, aren't nor'easters supposed to occur during winter not SPRING!!! can you tell I'm a little bitter?)

My mother the crazy kook that she is, loves storms like this, and was like a kid in a candy store watching, taping and taking pictures of this storm.

I have posted a few pictures and a couple videoes of this storm. They said that tonight the surf would be the worst because of the high tide we will be having. They said it could possibly (probably) be one of the biggest high tides we've ever had, due to the storm and that it is a new moon. It is all very exciting and quite frightening all at the same time. See I've never liked storms, especially thunder storms. It all goes back to when I was a young child (a story for a different time I promise). Up until I was about 9 years old, every time we had a bad storm oh hell a small one didn't matter, I would vomit from fear. So needless to say, even though I am much much older and I understand all about storms, I still don't like them very much and pretend that they are not happening.

But not my mother oh no, she will go outside and she will film the waves, and take of them, as well as things she finds, which is good for me so I can post these and share with you.

Last night the wind blew so hard, that the house was actually shaking and my bed was rattling, it felt like little mini earthquakes not a pleasant feeling at all. One wave that hit the wall on Sunday night the spray from it actually hit my mother's window (yes I live with my mother right now, that too is another story but we get along great and it is working out for both of us). Our house is about 20-30 feet back from the water, and at least 15-20 feet up from the shore, so you can imagine the size of that wave.

Plus a car that was parked on the road that is next to the beach was pushed, or lifted by the water 2-3 feet from where it was parked. It is now parked on the sidewalk, the neighbors said that they must be out of town because the car had not moved in a couple of days. Another girl finally moved her car away from the shore and as she was moving it a wave came over the wall and a rock hit her car and smashed her back window, poor girl that sucks.

It has definitely been a couple of crazy days/nights and I'm really so ready for Spring/Summer but I don't think we are even close to the warm weather, which makes me re-think this whole moving back to my home state from Florida. My ideal situation would be 6 months here, 6 months somewhere warm, yes I want to be a snowbird, we always complain about them, but damn it they have it made. Enjoy the pictures and video. Click on any picture and it will bring you to more pictures, I've also linked some words for other pictures.