Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Check out my cute new sandals

Yesterday I had mentioned that I bought 2 pairs of sandals from Payless and so I thought I'd share the pair that I am wearing today. So comfortable and so high too, I haven't worn shoes with heal or platform in so long I feel so tall. Makes me feel thinner too I have no reason why I feel like that but who cares right? I swear I forget sometimes that I'm as big as I now. Most people think they are bigger then they are and then there is me who thinks I'm thinner until I look in the mirror or worse PICTURES UGH. But I do not dress like I am thinner, I don't understand women that wear a size 8 when they are a size 18. Okay maybe not such a drastic size difference but you get what I am saying. Sure you can flaunt some stuff but damn we do not need to see the whole package thank you very much.


Cairde said...

Totally cute! Nice Pedicure too, I could use one, my toe nail polish is a mess!

Chic and Sassy said...

cute I love the little flowers

Anonymous said...

Nice -- good job!

Misty said...

Love to see your cute sandals... I like the color and design of those...